Sunday, September 22, 2019

4: Even more US Forces are being sent into the Middle East, but why?

According to an article from, the Pentagon plans on sending more troops into the Middle East. Defense Secretary Mark Esper says that the president has already approved the deployment, which will be focused on air and missile defense.

Image result for saudi arabia oil facility attack
Workers at the Saudi Aramco oil facility in Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia after it was attacked

While Saudi Arabia has the third most expensive military in the world, they have requested help from the United States to defend their oil facilities. Drones and missiles have been fired from Yemen at their facilities, and their defensive systems have not been effective in stopping them. The problem with this request is that the United States has already been selling Saudi Arabia its best gear, so sending more of it is not guaranteed to fend off future attacks. The politics behind the scenes are quite complicated, but Yemen's Houthis "have been very public about the fact that they launched the attack as retaliation for Saudi airstrikes." Even though they are claiming to be responsible, some officials believe that Iran was involved despite their denial. The president claims to want to avoid war, but continuously blaming things on Iran or accusing them of wrongdoing will not solve any problems. Tension in the Middle East has been high for a long time, and there does not seem to be an end coming soon.

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